Family Tradition
Purchase our Wine
While honoring my family’s traditional winemaking style, I’ve added some 5th generation, state of the art updates to create small lots of well balanced, food friendly wines. Amador county’s elevation, warm afternoons and cool evenings produce full bodied, intensely flavored fruit that is at the heart of every vintage here at Sera Fina.
Whether you’re searching for a luscious Barbera, an elegant Primitivo, a sprightly Pinot Grigio, or an elevated Viognier we have the wine for you. We hope to see you soon and fill your glass with some of Amador County’s finest so you can see why we invite to Relax, You’re At Sera Fina.
$28.00 750ml -
Dancing Grape Red
$14.00 750ml -
Dancing Grape White
$14.00 750ml -
DP Blend
$30.00 750ml -
$27.00 750ml -
Pinot Grigio
$17.00 750ml -
$29.00 750ml -
2021 Sauvignon Blanc
$17.00 750ml -
Sauvignon Blanc
$18.00 750ml Read more -
$25.00 750ml -
V|14 Estate Blend
$40.00 750ml -
$19.00 750ml -
$26.00 750ml